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Showing posts from January, 2013

11 Best Fruits for Healthy Eyes

Eyes are amazing as it helps us to see the outside world.Eating fruits and vegetables keeps our eyes healthy.Naturally, fruits and vegetables are packed with many vitamins and minerals which is required for our over all good health. Eating right amount of fruits and vegetables in our daily diet reduces the risk of night blindness,a ge related macular degeneration ,  cataracts   and other eye diseases . Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin A(and beta carotene) are dietary antioxidants.These antioxidants protects our body against diseases,keeps our cells and tissues healthy, strengthens blood vessels  and boost our immune system. Beta carotene and vitamin A protects the eyes against dry eyes,night blindness,strengthens retina. Citrus fruits are good source of  vitamin C. They contain  flavonoids which protects eyes from cataract and macular degeneration. eg: grapes,cherries,oranges Lutein & Zeaxanthin are antioxidants which  protect the ey...

What is an eye chart?

An  eye chart  is used  to measure the eye's ability to see details at near and far distances.It is used to evaluate eyesight. The  eye tests usually involve reading letters or looking at symbols of different sizes on an eye chart. Usually, each eye is tested by itself. And then both eyes may be tested together, with and without corrective lenses (if you wear them).   Types of eye charts include the  logMAR chart ,  Snellen chart ,  Landolt C , and the  Lea test . The Snellen Chart is the commonly used eye chart  by the doctors. It has standard size letters and is normally viewed at a test distance of 20 feet. It is used   to determine your visual acuity  ."Visual" refers to the clarity or clearness of the vision and the word "acuity" comes from the Latin "acuitas" meaning sharpness.   Eye Charts are available for very young children or illiterate adults that do not require letter recognition. One version use...
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